Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Perfect Wave

What are we looking for in our career as writers?  Is there such a thing as a perfect profession, the area that gives you the freedom to earn a nice living, affording you certain assurances in life while also enjoying what you do for a living?  It seems that everywhere I turn, I see happy writers that are making a living online; exactly how much is being made is always, of course, a leap of faith.  
The more I read the more excited I feel but, there is always the doubt when starting anything new.  Can it be; will it be?  I see claims of six figure incomes and a life that affords more time for family and personal growth.   Don’t get me wrong, there are programs out there which are obvious wastes of money.  They are evident from far away and are rampant; maybe an area to explore for the benefit of new writers in the future.  Whatever… I am excited and I am trying not to be, I want to run this as a pure business with no emotional attachments right now.  This has to work or it doesn’t, it is either for me, or it’s not.   Who am I kidding, I’m excited.
Listening to and reading about so many niche areas in which one can focus but, the priority is the niche in which I could flourish, something I find interesting and gripping.  I want to find this career that I am eagerly researching, absorbing, digesting and hopefully turning it into a powerhouse for my family.  So it is time to get the actual ball rolling.  I will soon be opening a new website on Word Press and begin to focus my writing into targeted areas.    The plan is a simple, three prong attacks at the industry concentrating on white papers (or case studies), e-newsletters, guest posts and obviously, blogging. 
To make sure I accomplish everything I have set on my plate, I have started scheduling specific periods of time to accomplish each task.  Staying organized is one of the most important things to tackle when starting any business.  It is critical to understand how you should manage the time of your business to ensure production of a sustainable income for you; making time for your business and organizing your time will help you stay on track and motivated.  I am becoming intimately acquainted with my iPhone's calendar and reminder options.  Every minute accounted for to ensure dedication.  I currently have four minutes left to finish this post and start school work so I will cut this short.
I want to say thank you to all of you who have given me feedback on my posts and support in what I am trying to do.  Help me spread the word if you think it’s worth it and keep an eye out for an announcement to my next website.  I will invite you all to jump in and mess around with what I create, I look forward to it!  Thank you again…. Two minutes to spare.  

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